Advocates believes that no law firm can be all things to all people and, from its inception, chose to restrict its practice to litigation and dispute resolution in the areas of:
Practice Description
At Advocates LLP we have lawyers with significant experience and skill in representing clients in all facets of commercial or business litigation and dispute resolution. This experience includes litigation relating to shareholder relations, oppression claims, derivative actions, partnership and joint ventures disputes, real estate matters, seeking and resopnding to claims for injunctive relief, creditor and debtor rights, and commercial tenancies.
Practice Description
Advocates LLP’s special expertise focuses on providing legal services to general contractors and subcontractors at all stages of development for a large variety of projects. These include urban infrastructure and ICI developments, large commercial and residential projects, highways, roads and bridges throughout Ontario.
The firm’s services cover all aspects of a project, including contract negotiation, tender claims, bond claims, construction liens and claims, and occupational health & safety matters.
Advocates LLP also represents and defends engineers engaged in structural, civil, geotechnical and environmental disputes.
Practice Description
Complex, multi-party commercial disputes, whether they involve construction claims or professional liability claims are difficult to resolve. Our experience has shown us that, in the right circumstances, with the right mediator the parties often negotiate a final resolution, or at the very least narrow the issues that can assist in advancing the case.
Jim LeBer has extensive, practical hands-on experience in dealing with such disputes, and brings those insights to bear when he works with other lawyers and their clients as a mediator, helping them get to practical solutions for complex problems. He would be pleased to speak with you about how he can work with you and the others involved in your case, to design alternative dispute resolution solutions, including mediation or arbitration and other more creative approaches that go beyond “typical” litigation. He offers his services to lawyers and clients acting as either a mediator or arbitrator, and invites you to get in touch to discuss how he can assist.
Practice Description